LifeinaBox Care Plan

Tax included

LifeinaBox Care Plan

LifeinaBox is a robust device but subject to wear and tear, like any electronic device. We recommend you send us your LifeinaBox once a year for adjustments, calibration and firmware upgrades. With the LifeinaBox Care Plan you can mail in your LifeinaBox using a prepaid shipping label provided by Lifeina and we will completely service and upgrade the device and send it back to you.

Valid One Year after purchase.


    Available:  In Stock

Offer extra protection to your LifeinaBox

The LifeinaBox Care Plan extends the coverage and guarantee on your LifeinaBox. We will even replace the casing if it is damaged.

With the LifeinaBox Care Plan we will:

- Send you a return slip to send us back your device for free

- Completely check your device and upgrade any worn parts

- Clean the cooling system

- Update the firmware if necessary

- Replace the casing if it is damaged

- Send the device back to you within 3 days

Lifeina CarePlan
848 Items

Great service

I bought my LifeinaBox in 2019 and it was really in need of some love and care. I took the Lifeina CarePlan and they sent me a prepaid return label and less than a week later I had my LifeinaBox like new. Great service, worth every penny.

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